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My name is Pieter ter Steeg with a licence not to kill. Did you realise that the name James Bond (with a licence to kill) consists of James (the universal name to address a butler, the ideal servant) and Bond (= connect)? The Servant Connector. James mission was to save the world (and make love as collateral bonus). Serve, connect, make love, not war or money. Money does not make the Universe turn round.
Do you know the Dutch expression: In the land of Blind, One-Eye is king? We, humans, are not blind but blindfolded and we need help to unblind our eyes and defeat the one-eyed kings, who love power and money. Do you remember the myth of Ulysses and the one-eyed Cyclope. He and his men were trapped in a cave and were going to be eaten by Polyphemos. They managed to burn his eye and tricked Polyphemos, by telling "Nobody" was to blame for the loss of his eye. Similarly, "nobody" is to blame for the misery in our world. "Nobody" can solve the misery, but my name is also Nobody and I have a dream that we can, if we become aware that we are 1.
Or 0 (Zero):
Quote from Joker Constructor (21-10-24): "I should not make the Big Bang smaller than it is, a dimension-less 0. A clever accounting trick by some theoretical physicists!"
"My name is Dr. n-O-body (2024)"
"I have a dream." (Martin Luther King)
"Yes, WE CAN" (Barack Obama)
The Ignition of the Magic Mushroom(s) 2024
To Live Fully in the Present (Here and Now), is the Biggest Present (Gift) for Yourself and the "Other". In the Here and Now we are not separated from the Other, we are inseparable in a "quantum interaction". Being inseparable means also part of, fully connected to the ALL, our orchestrated Universe. A or the meaning of life is to co-optimise our personal Awareness universe with the Other individual universes in the Here and Now, We can find, what is in a name, "God", Allah, the Mother of the Universe or the Conductor not at the beginning of the Universe but at the End of Times. As Einstein noted already: "(Space-)Time is relative". The realisation that times (=plural) do not exist. Only one time (singular) exists: the Here and Now, in which we cocreate, transform, our Universes in the right direction. Yes, WE CAN, if we know ourselves and give ourselves to do Good. In essence, we need to know what is Right, eat/share the Apple or the Magic Mushrooms to navigate to Paradise.
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In de Ban van de Ver-Wonder-Ring
Latest article (in Dutch, 15-09-2023)
My (= Pieter ter Steeg (1959, P.o.b. Oss, Netherlands) website is an ongoing process of personal and global transformation, my Odyssey, exiting the Old World.
We have to unthink what is good and bad leaving our historic tribal beliefs behind to reconciliate.
The physical world exists only in our minds. "There is only consciousness, awareness. Let's focus on awareness. Growing and sharing awareness of Me, We, the World, our co-creation of Our Universe/God = Orchestrated awareness. The Universe does not play dice, as co-creators we should not play dice either, but join forces to accelerate evolution towards a win-win world for all. This website is driven by intuition, it is steadily growing, at times chaotically, but logically. More precipitated awareness on X @DrPieterbaas, LinkedIn or YouTube.
I was born on September 15, "Prinsjesdag in the NL", the 3rd Tuesday of September in 1959, the year of the Cuban revolution, in Oss. My biological life started on Christmas Eve on December 25 1958 according to my father. My mental Ground Zero 911 was on 9-11 1964. I had a severe traffic accident. I was hit by a car "flying" 25 meters. My skull base was fractured and at first, amnesia and a temporary right site paralysis and a jump in intelligence. As a physically retarded child I overcompensated by giving full attention to school, reading, chess, bridge, science. I became a lonely logical child. Think of the Logical song of Supertramp. 1981 was a turning point. I fall in a unresponded love and I realised I had buried myself in the "head" and that ratio was not all there is. A struggle for reconnection with heart and soul started leading to the miraculous encounter with my later wife, Marie-Christine on the first day of spring in 1988. We became parents of two wonderful daugthers, who have turned in strong young women. My wife gave me a beautiful 40th birthday present in 1999. A course in intuitive painting and the key to a transcendental world.
My scientific career, in the mean time, led to the scientific leadership in Food Microbiology at Unilever R&D, At that time the global leader in Food Microbiology. My world was shattered in 2002 by the boss I trusted. He put me out of my job when I raised scientific incompetence, fraude and misleading subsidy applications. My crisis was reflected in poetry and painting. Early 2003 I went for advice to Derrick Kilsby, my old mentor in Colworth House,the sister lab in Sharnbrook (UK). Derrick gave me the clue about my destiny. He told me my passion was into teaching the very best and he urged me to follow my intuition, my instinct for right and wrong. Next morning I visited Cambridge, a magic place.
Spiritual awakening:
I returned to my home in Gouda and an energy cloud charged my body in the night of January 21 and I became one with the Universe and "religious" overnight. My brain had a turboboost. I became fully intuitive. In July 2003 I received the diagnosis "manic" and was put under pressure to take medication not to lose connection with my dearest inner circle. I prefer the diagnosis "lucid" because my thinking was accelerated but coherent. E.g. I wrote a vision for my science area Food Microbiology in the first week of my lucid state and found 4 professors willing to expand my vision in a series of our articles in the weeks after. On Eastern 2003, on my way to Greece with my family, I received my calling. I saw the biggest threats for mankind (viral pandemic, bioterrorism) and what we actually easily can do to stop these, if we, mankind, depolarise and connect. I subsequently became increasingly aware of the global challenges and I started to encounter special people on my path building a network of qualities and collecting pieces of a growing miraculous Christmas puzzle with local to global solutions. You can find several of these on this website. In the following years I subsequently transformed into a coach, mystic,philosopher, societal activist and painter. This process took over twenty years. On April 9th, "coincidentally" Eastern 2023 I rolled the stone of the grave of my father. God does not play dice.
My often abstract and spiritual paintings had implicit messages about the New World and higher dimensions. The painting below is about becoming one, healing, as All is One. Jan Gouka, painter and historician at Gouda, told me the warm yellow reminded him of the colour of heaven from his trances in a Greek church. In Algeria I had a deep mystical experience leading to three brief unifying religious poems. See "Shining Path" in already ten languages in my "Gedichten/Poetry" section. Feel free to submit a translation.
Feel free, to browse my website, as it is your castle. The articles cover a wide range of subjects aimed at raising the awareness that we need a win-win world addressing the hidden costs of our life-style, stop money speculation, stop living at the expense of the future whilst we should start living in the PRESENT and be ONE.
Top 5 articles of my previous website (> 5000 reads):
1) What is the difference between a human and an ape ?
All humans come from Ethiopean "Lucy", stop framing migrants and a plea for co-development of a win-win world employing passion driven organisation like PUM Senior Experts
Training Frisbeeing women Niamey Niger during the lunch break of my Mission Impossible I for PUM in 2014.
2) Listen to Eve, it is Aquarius time
It was not wrong of Eve to hand Adam the Apple. Only bij knowing Good and Evil and connection of mankind we can grow (local) Paradises.
Article in Dutch (2011) inspired by the terroristic attack on "Charley Hebdo"" and the unsustainability of our retirement system
"Je su-IS Charlie" - Brun (Brown) et ma soeur s'appelle Lucy Noire
5) The Wizard of Oss doesn't play dice or he sure plays mean pinball!?
God does not play dice, nor the Laughing Buddha. If the Mother of the Universe throws dice, she is unbeatable throwing 6,6,6,6,6,6!
Link to my article on Foodlog: Levensmiddelenindustrie heeft Waarheidscommissie nodig?
Link to recording of my seminar "Inflicted Injury Insurance", de Ware Prijs (the True Price), University of Applied Sciences, Van Hall Larenstein Leeuwarden, January 24 , 2017
The Joker Finds The Key To Unlock The World (2019)
Birth of Aquarius (2003)
Link to Clean-up at Doorn, Club of Rome-Netherlands with Charles Eisenstein (and myself as active participant in recorded constellation), 4-10-2019
De Burgemeester van Glow-ja zit er gloeiend bij!
At Occupy 11-12-2011 by Dirk den Haan
Leadership (The Evil Weevil and Omo Power) recorded by Sanjay Sinha (India 2010)
The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man /The Shroud (2011)
Aquarius = Joker = The Wizard of Oss = The Laughing Buddha!
Messiah Beetle Crunches "Money Stinks"-Ego-Old World and blows WinWin4All We-Cloud/New World
B-site of Messiah Beetle: Dia del Muertos, Resurrection Party at the End of Times
The Not Donut (Kate Raworth) but even better Yin-Yang World(2017)
Carry Yourself With The Confidence of a Superior Purple Hippo (2018)
The Launch of The New World
To transform the Old World
start with yourself, today,
be a wonderer
interconnect, literally brain fuse
for a full membership of the Mind of the Universe
Pulling down Heaven to Earth (picture made at Museum of modern Art in Stockholm)
The Shining Path
One is All. All is One.
One for all. All for one
The Universe, connection,
connection of love
for all, of You
We are together, out of love.
Not floating loose, together.
Towards infinity.
zin vol
leeg vol
vol nu
to break free
to die for true living
to thrill on a string
in starred nights,
dream sweet dreams.
end the bloodshed
turn the earth into
a rainbow lollipop
all flavours
Feel free, to browse my website, as it is your castle. The articles cover a wide range of subjects aimed at raising the awareness that we need a win-win world addressing the hidden costs of our life-style, stop money speculation, stop living at the expense of the future whilst we should start living in the PRESENT and be one.
PS I have added personal choices of music on June 19, 2020 next to my paintings, poetry and other publications to provide more insight in The Who I Am :-)
1) Pinball Wizard, The WhoThe song that popped up in my head in 2003 in the days after my spiritual transformation. The main character plays pinball by intuition. In 2003 I became "aware" experiencing massive synchronicity and my vision expanded.
2) The Logical Song, Supertramp Childhood solitude
3) Trojka, Drs. P I share the optimism of the main character in this song and there are parallels with our own collapsing world.
4) Meneer de President (Boudewijn de Groot) Isn't it time that Don Quichote runs for president?
5) Pokerface (Lady Gaga) On my mission to blow the Old World I had to keep a pokerface whilst playing with a handful of jokers.
X-account: DrPieterbaas
Selection of articles published on LinkedIn:
Break Free Become a Pirate instead of a Part-Time Slave
Een is God. Een is Alles. Alles is een.
Een voor allen. Allen voor Een.
Het Universum, ik, ben verbinding.
Verbinding van Liefde,
voor en van allen.
Wij zijn samen, samen uit Liefde.
Niet los, maar samen.
Nu en Altijd.
tikkun olam
To live to heal the world
looking around
the miracle is in you.
you can walk on water ice
be a blue swan, a butter-