Verlos ons van de zonde: Het fiproniel-ei van Columbus
Niet fipronielen zonder kop, maar de gifpushers aanpakken! Column geïnspireerd door onze omgang met risico's, waardoor we ons zelf de nek omdraaien!
The Importance of Risk Perception
Billions to save on unnecessary EU Mad Cow Disease (BSE) measures
Translation from the Dutch version on (02-02-2008)
The politicians and media keep the unnecessary consumer fear for Mad Cow Disease (BSE) in Europe alife. As a result 16 million tons of animal material (worth 20 billion euro’s) is annually destroyed. This animal material could have also been used for high quality feed after adequate processing. The impact of this waste for the world food production and environment is massive. This 16 millions tons has a nutritional equivalence of 19 million tons of soy, 5 x the annual import of soy in the NL. The soy yield ranges from 2.6 - 3.1 tonnes per hectare. Growing soy leads to the frequent destruction of tropical rain forest. ). 1.5-2.5 times the size of the Netherlands is needed = 5 to 8 times the current annual loss of rainforest in Brazil. Taking grain: 30 to 55,000,000 tons is required: 1.5 - 2.7% of the annual world cereal production, a significant contribution to solve the world food problem for hundreds of millions of people. The environmental impact is massive too: Global CO2 emission: Rearing these 16 million tons of animals contributes to global CO2 emissions (60 x 16 million tons CO2). Reuse of this animal material saves up to 0.3 -0.5% of global CO2 emissions. Talk about wasted water 1 kg of beef requires 15,000 liters of water: 16 million tons is 240 trillion liters of water in cubic kilometers: 240 = 7 times the area of the Netherlands under 1 m of water.
Stop de verspreiding van desinformatie rondom MH17
Ook “kwaliteitskranten” als dagblad Trouw blijven gewoon de werkelijkheid van de MH17-ramp verdraaien. Vrijdag 25 mei 2018 zond ik een deels satirisch misschien te weinig empathisch stukje in naar Opinie Trouw waarin ik de MH17 ramp vergeleek met het neerschieten van een toestel van Iran Air IR 655 door het Amerikaanse slagschip Vincennes in de Perzische Golf in 1988. De verantwoordelijke Amerikaanse commandant/"terrorist" kreeg bij zijn eervol ontslag uit de marine zelfs een lintje. Mijn stukje werd niet geplaatst, kan gebeuren. De hoofdredactie van Trouw framede op maandag het per ongeluk neerschieten van de MH17 als een terroristische daad door in haar commentaar alleen te verwijzen naar de uiteindelijke vervolging van de Lybische terroristen van de aanslag bij Lockerbee en noemt nergens de veel toepasselijker IR 655-casus. Ik had vrijdag ongeveer het volgende geschreven:
Lees meer: Stop de verspreiding van desinformatie rondom MH17
The Wizard of Oss doesn't play dice or he sure plays a mean pinball?
God sure plays a mean game of dice! Inspired by the "Pin Ball Wizard" from the rock musical Tommy
Albert Einstein has said: Dieu ne joue pas aux dés! God does not play dice!
God/Allah or Buddha or (the Mother of) the Universe does not play dice. S-He smiles when S-He plays the synchronicity game. Coincidence is as you may know the pseudonym of God (Prof. Ronald Meester). "God" or the (Mother of the) Universe seems to smile whilst amplifying coincidence. Coincidence (C) X coincidence (C) = C*C a demonstration of the power of the (im)Possible. In the classic "The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe" by Douglas Adams, the heroes have a spaceship named: The Heart of Gold" with a special feature. The Infinite Improbability Drive. If you calculate the improbability, the Drive generates the Improbable!
Lees meer: The Wizard of Oss doesn't play dice or he sure plays a mean pinball?
It is Time to Stop Goofing: Aquarius unplugged
It Is Time: Aquarius Coming Out Of The Unplugged Closet
The Truth about the Good, the Bad or the Ugly. Us, the US or IS? Time to Stop Goofing
Coming out of the closet. Nowadays the expression coming out of the closet is linked to homosexuals and lesbians, who publicly reveal their true nature. It is also the true nature time for Aquarius, the Waterman, for tipping over to the New World. He can indeed come out after literally unplugging the water closet, the plugged stinking loo of the Old World, the place of shit and piss. For us, let’s spell it, U S, the place to quickly wash our hands like Pontius Pilate after we dropped our shit without looking back. But what if we, us, U S dealt with our true nature and behaviour? How to truly deal with shit, us shit and reshape, transform.
(Schijn-)Veiligheid en Terrorisme
Article in Dutch
(Pseudo-)security and terrorism. What is terrorism and what kind of security do we need? Short term gain often wins from long term security unless an incident takes place. Scare and politics subsequently often lead to cosmetic pseudo- or oversecurity. The pseudosecurity measures will cost more and in fact take freedom away. Read more:
Het Recht van de Sterkste
Critical article in Dutch
Justice is protecting the strong, We do not sufficiently realise that we have a class justice system
De Grote Bezuinigingentombola
Article in Dutch
The major theme of the Dutch National Elections was where to cut the budget. A Reality Game Show about Life and Death for the Weak. A Satyre.
De Ethiek van onze Vrouwe Justitia
Article in Dutch The Ethics of Lady Justitia
A critical confronting article about flaws in the Dutch Justice system. Prosecution of the innocent, protection of the rich and hypocrisy.
Je suis Pierre, Al Qaida, ISIS of de Duurzaamheid van onze Oude Dagsvoorziening
Article in Dutch
Je suis Pierre, Al Qaeda, IS and the Sustainabality of our Retirement System. (Black) Humoristic article about short term vision of our retirement system and how easy terrorism or natural catastrophes can disrupt our "granted" way of living.
Lees meer: Je suis Pierre, Al Qaida, ISIS of de Duurzaamheid van onze Oude Dagsvoorziening
Holy Rats Eat Rice of 220,000,000
Published Monday Januari 2011 15:52
Initial title of plan: Holy Rats Consume the Rice of 220,000,000 People in India (2010)
"Ongoing" Growing Strategy Development for Animal Friendly Control of Rats and other Pests
By Dr. Pieter Ferdinand ter Steeg,
Senior Expert PUM (2007-2019) The Hague, NL
Kick-off at Pavizham Rice, Kalady (Kerala), India (2010)
Rats are respected animals in numerous places in India. They appear to consume the astronomous amount of 20 Megatonnes of rice annually. Approximately 67000 km2 is required to feed these “holy rats”. These rats consume rice which can feed 220,000,000 Indian people! The estimate is based on an annual production of 3000 kg of rice per (China: 5000 kg). This loss is in the order of the unnecessary BSE measures of the EU which account for the destruction 16 Megatonnes animal material (equivalent to 19 Megatonnes of soy for animal feeding) without saving a single life . Together they account for a loss of about 38 billion dollar and a high claim on nature ‘s resources (rain forest, fresh water supplies) and global heating.
Why cannot we permanently solve this no longer Indian problem but a threat to mankind and earth? Saving money and resources to tackle other problems: One requires only e.g. $ 5,000,000,000 per year to stop malaria. The expected spin-off of this programme may even wipe out malaria at low costs.
The Importance of Risk Perception
Billions to save on unnecessary EU Mad Cow Disease (BSE) measures
Translation from the Dutch version on (02-02-2008)
The politicians and media keep the unnecessary consumer fear for Mad Cow Disease (BSE) in Europe alife. As a result 16 million tons of animal material (worth 20 billion euro’s) is annually destroyed. This animal material could have also been used for high quality feed after adequate processing. The impact of this waste for the world food production and environment is massive. This 16 millions tons has a nutritional equivalence of 19 million tons of soy, 5 x the annual import of soy in the NL. The soy yield ranges from 2.6 - 3.1 tonnes per hectare. Growing soy leads to the frequent destruction of tropical rain forest. ). 1.5-2.5 times the size of the Netherlands is needed = 5 to 8 times the current annual loss of rainforest in Brazil. Taking grain: 30 to 55,000,000 tons is required: 1.5 - 2.7% of the annual world cereal production, a significant contribution to solve the world food problem for hundreds of millions of people. The environmental impact is massive too: Global CO2 emission: Rearing these 16 million tons of animals contributes to global CO2 emissions (60 x 16 million tons CO2). Reuse of this animal material saves up to 0.3 -0.5% of global CO2 emissions. Talk about wasted water 1 kg of beef requires 15,000 liters of water: 16 million tons is 240 trillion liters of water in cubic kilometers: 240 = 7 times the area of the Netherlands under 1 m of water.